Achieving sustainable cultivation of temperate zone tree fruits and berries Volume 2
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The second volume in this collection reviews advances in breeding and cultivation of key stone fruits (peach, cherry, plum and apricot), pome fruits (pear and apple), and berry fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry). Read More

Temperate fruits include stone/drupe fruits (such as peach), pome fruits (such as apple) and berries (such as strawberries). Like other crops, cultivation of these fruits faces a number of challenges. These include the need to optimize yields, sensory and nutritional quality; the dynamic threats from biotic and abiotic stresses in a changing climate; and the need for more efficient use of resources to minimise environmental impact. The two volumes of Achieving sustainable cultivation of temperate zone tree fruits and berries summarise the wealth of research addressing these challenges.

The second volume in this collection reviews advances in breeding and cultivation of particular fruits. Part 1 discusses development affecting key stone fruits (peach, cherry, plum and apricot) and pome fruits (pear and apple). Part 2 reviews optimising the breeding and cultivation of berry fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry).

With its distinguished editor and international range of expert authors, this collection will be a standard reference for horticultural scientists, government and other research centres and companies involved in cultivation of the range of temperate fruits.

  • Price: $180.00
  • Pages: 470
  • Carton Quantity: 20
  • Publisher: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing
  • Imprint: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing
  • Series: Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science
  • Publication Date: 30th June 2019
  • Trim Size: 6 x 9 in
  • Illustration Note: Color tables, photos and figures
  • ISBN: 9781786762122
  • Format: Hardcover
  • BISACs:
    TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Agronomy / Crop Science
    SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Horticulture
    TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Sustainable Agriculture
Author Bio

Dr Greg Lang is a Professor in Tree Fruit Physiology at Michigan State University, USA. He is the current Chair of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) Workgroup on Orchard Systems and has been a plenary speaker at numerous international conferences on tree fruit production and research around the world, including the past four ISHS Cherry Symposia and the most recent ISHS Orchard Systems Symposium. Professor Lang has authored or co-authored more than 200 published papers and book chapters, edited numerous books and proceedings, and was named as one of the top 100 Innovative Horticulturalists of the past 125 years by the American Fruit Grower Magazine.

Table of Contents

Part 1 Stone and pome fruits
1.Advances and challenges in peach breeding: Dario J. Chavez and Rachel A. Itle, University of Georgia, USA; Daniel Mancero-Castillo, Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador; Jose X. Chaparro, University of Florida, USA; and Thomas G. Beckman, USDA-ARS, USA;
2.Advances and challenges in sustainable peach production: Luca Corelli Grappadelli, Brunella Morandi and Luigi Manfrini, University of Bologna, Italy; and Pasquale Losciale, University of Bari, Italy;
3.Advances and challenges in cherry breeding: José Quero-García, INRA, University of Bordeaux, France; Amy Iezzoni, Michigan State University, USA; Gregario López-Ortega, IMIDA, Spain; Cameron Peace, Washington State University, USA; Mathieu Fouché and Elisabeth Dirlewanger, INRA, University of Bordeaux, France; and Mirko Schuster, Julius Kühn-Institut, Germany;
4.Sustainable sweet cherry cultivation: a case study for designing optimized orchard production systems: Gregory A. Lang, Michigan State University, USA;
5.Challenges and opportunities in pear breeding: Danielle Guzman and Amit Dhingra, Washington State University, USA;
6.Challenges and opportunities in pear cultivation: Todd Einhorn, Michigan State University, USA;
7.Advances and challenges in apple breeding: Amanda Karlström, NIAB EMR and University of Reading, UK; Magdalena Cobo Medina, NIAB EMR and University of Nottingham, UK; and Richard Harrison, NIAB EMR, UK;
8.Advances and challenges in sustainable apple cultivation: Pierre-Éric Lauri and Sylvaine Simon, INRA, France;
9.Sustainable plum and apricot cultivation: Mihai Botu, University of Craiova, Romania;

Part 2 Berry fruits
10.Advances and challenges in strawberry genetic improvement: Chris Barbey and Kevin Folta, University of Florida, USA;
11.Strawberries: a case study of how evolving market expectations impact sustainability: M. P. Pritts, Cornell University, USA; and T. M. Sjulin, formerly Driscoll Strawberry Associates, USA;
12.Advances and challenges in raspberry and blackberry breeding: Ramón Molina-Bravo, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica; Margaret Leigh Worthington, University of Arkansas, USA; and Gina E. Fernandez, North Carolina State University, USA;
13.Advances and challenges in sustainable raspberry/blackberry cultivation: Julie Graham, Alison Karley, Alison Dolan, Dominic Williams and Nikki Jennings, James Hutton Institute, UK;
14.Advances and challenges in blueberry breeding: Susan McCallum, James Hutton Institute, UK;

Temperate fruits include stone/drupe fruits (such as peach), pome fruits (such as apple) and berries (such as strawberries). Like other crops, cultivation of these fruits faces a number of challenges. These include the need to optimize yields, sensory and nutritional quality; the dynamic threats from biotic and abiotic stresses in a changing climate; and the need for more efficient use of resources to minimise environmental impact. The two volumes of Achieving sustainable cultivation of temperate zone tree fruits and berries summarise the wealth of research addressing these challenges.

The second volume in this collection reviews advances in breeding and cultivation of particular fruits. Part 1 discusses development affecting key stone fruits (peach, cherry, plum and apricot) and pome fruits (pear and apple). Part 2 reviews optimising the breeding and cultivation of berry fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry).

With its distinguished editor and international range of expert authors, this collection will be a standard reference for horticultural scientists, government and other research centres and companies involved in cultivation of the range of temperate fruits.

  • Price: $180.00
  • Pages: 470
  • Carton Quantity: 20
  • Publisher: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing
  • Imprint: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing
  • Series: Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science
  • Publication Date: 30th June 2019
  • Trim Size: 6 x 9 in
  • Illustrations Note: Color tables, photos and figures
  • ISBN: 9781786762122
  • Format: Hardcover
  • BISACs:
    TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Agronomy / Crop Science
    SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Horticulture
    TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Sustainable Agriculture

Dr Greg Lang is a Professor in Tree Fruit Physiology at Michigan State University, USA. He is the current Chair of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) Workgroup on Orchard Systems and has been a plenary speaker at numerous international conferences on tree fruit production and research around the world, including the past four ISHS Cherry Symposia and the most recent ISHS Orchard Systems Symposium. Professor Lang has authored or co-authored more than 200 published papers and book chapters, edited numerous books and proceedings, and was named as one of the top 100 Innovative Horticulturalists of the past 125 years by the American Fruit Grower Magazine.

Part 1 Stone and pome fruits
1.Advances and challenges in peach breeding: Dario J. Chavez and Rachel A. Itle, University of Georgia, USA; Daniel Mancero-Castillo, Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador; Jose X. Chaparro, University of Florida, USA; and Thomas G. Beckman, USDA-ARS, USA;
2.Advances and challenges in sustainable peach production: Luca Corelli Grappadelli, Brunella Morandi and Luigi Manfrini, University of Bologna, Italy; and Pasquale Losciale, University of Bari, Italy;
3.Advances and challenges in cherry breeding: José Quero-García, INRA, University of Bordeaux, France; Amy Iezzoni, Michigan State University, USA; Gregario López-Ortega, IMIDA, Spain; Cameron Peace, Washington State University, USA; Mathieu Fouché and Elisabeth Dirlewanger, INRA, University of Bordeaux, France; and Mirko Schuster, Julius Kühn-Institut, Germany;
4.Sustainable sweet cherry cultivation: a case study for designing optimized orchard production systems: Gregory A. Lang, Michigan State University, USA;
5.Challenges and opportunities in pear breeding: Danielle Guzman and Amit Dhingra, Washington State University, USA;
6.Challenges and opportunities in pear cultivation: Todd Einhorn, Michigan State University, USA;
7.Advances and challenges in apple breeding: Amanda Karlström, NIAB EMR and University of Reading, UK; Magdalena Cobo Medina, NIAB EMR and University of Nottingham, UK; and Richard Harrison, NIAB EMR, UK;
8.Advances and challenges in sustainable apple cultivation: Pierre-Éric Lauri and Sylvaine Simon, INRA, France;
9.Sustainable plum and apricot cultivation: Mihai Botu, University of Craiova, Romania;

Part 2 Berry fruits
10.Advances and challenges in strawberry genetic improvement: Chris Barbey and Kevin Folta, University of Florida, USA;
11.Strawberries: a case study of how evolving market expectations impact sustainability: M. P. Pritts, Cornell University, USA; and T. M. Sjulin, formerly Driscoll Strawberry Associates, USA;
12.Advances and challenges in raspberry and blackberry breeding: Ramón Molina-Bravo, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica; Margaret Leigh Worthington, University of Arkansas, USA; and Gina E. Fernandez, North Carolina State University, USA;
13.Advances and challenges in sustainable raspberry/blackberry cultivation: Julie Graham, Alison Karley, Alison Dolan, Dominic Williams and Nikki Jennings, James Hutton Institute, UK;
14.Advances and challenges in blueberry breeding: Susan McCallum, James Hutton Institute, UK;