Science Takes a Trip
A beautifully illustrated, informative book about a little-known piece of history: two mobile laboratories that brought together scientists from around the world. For curious readers ages 9 years and up. Journey into history with science and adventure! Step back to the 1950s, where world-changing innovations and the pursuit of peace take center stage. Learn how the United States once donated two blue laboratory buses to carry nuclear science across the globe. The goal was to bring hope and progress to the whole world after the devastation of World War II. Despite many difficulties, a team of dedicated scientists used these labs to help shape history, bridging gaps between nations in the hope of building a brighter future.
This picture book, based on historical and scientific facts, is perfect for young readers who are passionate about science and eager to learn more. It sparks curiosity and inspires a love for knowledge. Written by Maria Rentetzi, professor in science, technology and gender studies.