Crowdy - Fajana

Crowdy - Fajana

Edited by K.G. Saur Verlag


Publication Date: 20th November 2007

Die zweite Ausgabe dieses Nachschlagewerks enthält Kurzbiographien zu über 730.000 bildenden Künstlern aus der ganzen Welt und allen Zeiten. 160.000 Namen kamen neu hinzu, über 120.000 Namen wurden aktualisiert. Die Einträge enthalten Namen, Informationen zu Beruf, Lebensdaten und -orten sowie eine Länderzuweisung und bibliographische Hinweise. Der Index ist ein eigenständiges Nachschlagewerk, stellt aber auch eine Vorausschau auf das noch im Entstehen begriffene Allgemeine Künstlerlexikon dar.

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Die zweite Ausgabe dieses Nachschlagewerks enthält Kurzbiographien zu über 730.000 bildenden Künstlern aus der ganzen Welt und allen Zeiten. 160.000 Namen kamen neu hinzu, über 120.000 Namen wurden aktualisiert. Die Einträge enthalten Namen, Informationen zu Beruf, Lebensdaten und -orten sowie eine Länderzuweisung und bibliographische Hinweise. Der Index ist ein eigenständiges Nachschlagewerk, stellt aber auch eine Vorausschau auf das noch im Entstehen begriffene Allgemeine Künstlerlexikon dar.

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In 12 volumes, this biographical reference work presents short biographies on more than 730,000 artists. Besides details of place of birth and death, and profession, all entries contain at least one bibliographical reference to an article containing more information. Over 400 works, many having several volumes, were evaluated completely to form the basis of this complete AKL index.

The index represents an independent biographical reference work, but also a form of a preview of the AKL, with all names listed according to the AKL standard. Thus, this complete compendium serves as an authority file of artist names for libraries and everyone using authority files of artist names in their own database.

Since the first edition (1999/2000), which was awarded "Outstanding Academic Book 2002" by CHOICE, over 160,000 new names have been added and over 120,000 names already included in the first edition have been brought up-to-date. Names which have had only the reference "AKL" in the first edition now also have the complete bibliographical references.

For further information, please see also the productsite

  • Price: $363.00
  • Pages: 904
  • Carton Quantity: 3
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Imprint: De Gruyter
  • Publication Date: 20th November 2007
  • ISBN: 9783598245596
  • Format: Hardcover
  • BISACs:
    REFERENCE / Bibliographies & Indexes
    ART / History / General
    BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Artists, Architects, Photographers
    REFERENCE / Research
    SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General

In 12 volumes, this biographical reference work presents short biographies on more than 730,000 artists. Besides details of place of birth and death, and profession, all entries contain at least one bibliographical reference to an article containing more information. Over 400 works, many having several volumes, were evaluated completely to form the basis of this complete AKL index.

The index represents an independent biographical reference work, but also a form of a preview of the AKL, with all names listed according to the AKL standard. Thus, this complete compendium serves as an authority file of artist names for libraries and everyone using authority files of artist names in their own database.

Since the first edition (1999/2000), which was awarded "Outstanding Academic Book 2002" by CHOICE, over 160,000 new names have been added and over 120,000 names already included in the first edition have been brought up-to-date. Names which have had only the reference "AKL" in the first edition now also have the complete bibliographical references.

For further information, please see also the productsite

  • Price: $363.00
  • Pages: 904
  • Carton Quantity: 3
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Imprint: De Gruyter
  • Publication Date: 20th November 2007
  • ISBN: 9783598245596
  • Format: Hardcover
  • BISACs:
    REFERENCE / Bibliographies & Indexes
    ART / History / General
    BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Artists, Architects, Photographers
    REFERENCE / Research
    SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General