Marcada por su temprana orfandad materna, la escritora británica Charlotte Brontë, que a lo largo de su corta vida (1816-1855) acumuló muchos lutos, revela en su obra el apasionado deseo de encontrar un lugar en el mundo.
Jane Eyre, la obra que consagró su éxito, tiene los ingredientes de una novela gótica, pero rebasa con mucho las convenciones del género. Jane, la protagonista, nos muestra un nuevo modo de descubrir la realidad, y con su reflexión la acompañamos en un viaje hacia la autenticidad.
Jane Eyre, the work that consecrated Charlotte Brontë's overwhelming successMarked by her early maternal orphanhood, the British writer Charlotte Brontë, who throughout her short life (1816-1855) accumulated many mournings, reveals in her work the passionate desire to find a place in the world.
Jane Eyre, the work that established his success, has the ingredients of a Gothic novel, but goes far beyond the conventions of the genre. Jane, the main character, shows us a new way of discovering reality, and with her reflection we accompany her on a journey towards authenticity.
- Price: $19.95
- Pages: 672
- Carton Quantity: 16
- Publisher: Planeta Publishing Corp
- Imprint: Planeta Publishing
- Publication Date: 30th July 2024
- Trim Size: 4.7 x 7.4 in
- ISBN: 9786070743351
- Format: Paperback
FICTION / Romance / Historical / Victorian
FICTION / Classics
FICTION / World Literature / England / 19th Century
FICTION / Contemporary Women
Marcada por su temprana orfandad materna, la escritora británica Charlotte Brontë, que a lo largo de su corta vida (1816-1855) acumuló muchos lutos, revela en su obra el apasionado deseo de encontrar un lugar en el mundo.
Jane Eyre, la obra que consagró su éxito, tiene los ingredientes de una novela gótica, pero rebasa con mucho las convenciones del género. Jane, la protagonista, nos muestra un nuevo modo de descubrir la realidad, y con su reflexión la acompañamos en un viaje hacia la autenticidad.
Jane Eyre, the work that consecrated Charlotte Brontë's overwhelming successMarked by her early maternal orphanhood, the British writer Charlotte Brontë, who throughout her short life (1816-1855) accumulated many mournings, reveals in her work the passionate desire to find a place in the world.
Jane Eyre, the work that established his success, has the ingredients of a Gothic novel, but goes far beyond the conventions of the genre. Jane, the main character, shows us a new way of discovering reality, and with her reflection we accompany her on a journey towards authenticity.
- Price: $19.95
- Pages: 672
- Carton Quantity: 16
- Publisher: Planeta Publishing Corp
- Imprint: Planeta Publishing
- Publication Date: 30th July 2024
- Trim Size: 4.7 x 7.4 in
- ISBN: 9786070743351
- Format: Paperback
FICTION / Romance / Historical / Victorian
FICTION / Classics
FICTION / World Literature / England / 19th Century
FICTION / Contemporary Women