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New Day Inspirations
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99Like a heartbeat, those moments go up and down, taking us to the highest peaks and the lowest valleys. Often, we face moments (both good and bad) where we struggle to find words to express our feelings. What happens when we hit a mental block while seeking to provide hope to help ourselves or others?
New Day Inspirations: A Poetry Journey by Rebecca Strobl shares a collection of poems, memories, and inspirations to give words of hope when the world has given us distress. Words of life when we have been presented with death, and words of courage when we face the toughest battles.
It is Rebecca's sincerest desire that as you travel this journey, you are encouraged to believe hope is not lost. Hope may not change your story, but hope can bring back that sense of belief and expectation that something different is coming your way. Thank you for joining her on the journey!

Restored by the Storm
Regular price $17.95 Save $-17.95Restored by the Storm offers a compelling narrative that delves into the universal struggle of facing life's unexpected challenges.
Drawing from personal experiences, Restored by the Storm provides a profound exploration of how individuals navigate tumultuous phases in their lives, encompassing both personal and professional realms. It addresses heart-wrenching questions that arise when life takes a sudden, unexpected turn, leaving one to grapple with the reality of a disrupted existence.
This inspiring testament to the human spirit's resilience emphasizes the potential blessings hidden in life's trials. Advocating for a steadfast, positive attitude rooted in faith, it provides hope and guidance to a wide range of audiences, including Christians, those seeking life's purpose, business owners, and individuals facing medical challenges and other seemingly insurmountable situations.
A tale of survival and a beacon of hope, Restored by the Storm shows that control in life is often limited to one's attitude and effort, especially when navigating through turbulent times. It reveals that life's trials and failures are as instructive as its successes, underscoring the importance of learning and growing stronger from these experiences. Highlighting the role of faith in finding strength and restoration, the story encourages embracing a new normal with gratitude and redefining success on one's own terms, fostering optimism for a future aligned with one's life purpose.
Restored by the Storm instills a sense of inspiration essential for anyone seeking to find meaning and strength in the midst of life's storms, assuring them that there is still much to achieve and cherish, even after significant losses.

What Do I Really Want To Achieve?
Regular price $26.00 Save $-26.00A guide for helping us focus on what we need to be fulfilled so that we can direct our energies and thoughts most effectively
Finding a partner.
Paying off the mortgage.
Reconnecting with my parents.
Less screen time.
It can be hard to decide what we really want to achieve in our lives; our ambitions are often scattered, diverse and difficult to pin down. This is a tool for helping us focus on what we need to be fulfilled so that we can direct our energies and thoughts most effectively. It can be hard to decide what we really want to achieve in our lives; our ambitions are often scattered, diverse and difficult to pin down.
This attractive box contains 160 cards detailing our most common ambitions and longings, along with instructions on how to reflect on our goals, arrange them in a logical order of priorities and, where necessary, weigh up trade-offs. Using the cards will help us to reveal our true goals, even our purpose in life. The cards can be displayed, photographed or kept close to hand as a reminder of the path ahead.
A simple-seeming but ingenious psychological tool for converting hunches and dreams into a realizable future.

Great Thinkers
Regular price $35.99 Save $-35.99A collection of simple - and surprisingly relevant - tools from great thinkers throughout history.
Focusing on important ideas from Western and Eastern philosophy, sociology, psychotherapy, art, architecture, and literature, this collection of wisdom and insight includes everyone from well know thinkers like Sigmund Freud and Lao Tzu to more unexpected names like Coco Chanel and St Benedict.
With original color illustrations for each featured thinker, this book presents a fascinating gallery of individuals from across the millennia who have shaped the intellectual project of The School of Life.
- A REFERENCE BOOK OF 60 GREAT THINKERS: and their most useful ideas.
- THE SCHOOL OF LIFE CANON: a gallery of individuals from across the millennia who have shaped the intellectual project of The School of Life.
- THE ULTIMATE RESOURCE: for those seeking both answers and inspiration.
- PREMIUM GIFT FORMAT: shrink-wrapped with ribbon marker and belly band.

La montaña eres tú: Cómo transformar el autosabotaje en automaestría (Spanish Edition)
Regular price $16.95 Save $-16.95Cómo transformar el autosabotaje en automaestría
«Tu montaña es el obstáculo entre tú y la vida que
quieres vivir. Enfrentarlo también es el único camino hacia tu libertad y conversión […] Tal vez sabes qué es tu montaña. Quizás es la adicción, el peso, las relaciones, los trabajos, la motivación o el dinero. Quizá no lo sabes. A lo mejor es una vaga sensación de ansiedad, baja autoestima, miedo o un descontento general que parece impregnar todo lo demás».
Brianna Wiest
Las montañas simbolizan los grandes desafíos que enfrentamos, en especial aquellos que parecen imposibles de superar. Para conquistar la cumbre es necesario aprender a identificar y cambiar las conductas que nos llevan al autosabotaje.
Por medio del conocimiento y la aceptación de nuestros hábitos más dañinos, el desarrollo de inteligencia emocional, la liberación de experiencias pasadas a nivel celular y el aprendizaje de actuar como nuestro yo del futuro podemos abrir nuestro propio camino hacia cualquier cima. Al final, la montaña no se moverá, seremos nosotros quienes lograremos conquistarla.
This is a book about self-sabotage. Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it—for good. Coexisting but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviors. This is why we resist efforts to change, often until they feel completely futile. But by extracting crucial insight from our most damaging habits, building emotional intelligence by better understanding our brains and bodies, releasing past experiences at a cellular level, and learning to act as our highest potential future selves, we can step out of our own way and into our potential. For centuries, the mountain has been used as a metaphor for the big challenges we face, especially ones that seem impossible to overcome. To scale our mountains, we actually have to do the deep internal work of excavating trauma, building resilience, and adjusting how we show up for the climb. In the end, it is not the mountain we master, but ourselves.